Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Way Men Smell (and how it effects dating)

A while ago, I watched a random TV program (on at 3 in the morning) that did scientific experiments, trying to figure out the mechanics of what makes people attracted to each other. What I found the most interesting, and rang most true, was a part about women in relation to the way men smell.

They set up this experiment, where they had a bunch of guys work out for a long time, and then they took their nasty, smelly, sweaty workout shirts, put them anonymously in special smelling chambers, and had women smell, and then rate the smell, of each sweaty shirt. Within each group of men, they had slipped in either a father or brother of each woman.

So the results were interesting. The women always absolutely hated the smell of their relative - it always got the lowest scoring. And then, usually, there was one or two that they actually didn't think was all that bad. For those a bit slow on the uptake, I'll explain this for you: female noses naturally pick up repeated genes. That means when women like a way a man smells, his genes are very different from hers, which lessens the risk of genetic diseases and birth defects in their offspring. It's pretty danged spiffy, actually.

But back to the dating-realm application of man-smells to women noses. I had never thought deeply about how I related to a guy's smell before, but this show got the wheels spinning in my head, putting two and two together. And I've since realized how absurdly true it all is. I will go ahead and say that the way a guy smells to me is the #1 determining factor in whether I could ever marry him. He could be drop dead gorgeous, rich, a really strong Christian, super sweet, everything great on earth that I'm looking for - and if I didn't like the way he smelled, I just couldn't do it. Everything else about him is all for naught.

And let me say, for those whose minds are springing to this option, no cologne or frabjous deodorant will do you a shred of good. I have smelled guys who obviously wore the same products, and hated it on one, while loving it on the other. They mix with your natural scents, giving off your own version of that product every time. So there's no faking a smell, boys. It just can't be done. You're stuck with whatever smelly genes God gave you.

So lads, maybe you've been pursuing some cute girl, and she's not really into you. Maybe she laughs at all your jokes, you have loads of fun together, you know you're a good looking bloke, and you have tons in common - but still, the romance is just not there on her side. Well, she might just not like the way you smell. I'm sorry, mate. There's nothing you can do about this. Your relationship was doomed to never begin, because you're too genetically close to your lovely lass. It's time to move on. So for any men who have ever had a totally (seemingly) inexplicable, cold-footed reaction from a girl? It might have been your smell. My condolences.

But fear not. Somewhere out there is a girl, a lovely girl, so genetically different from you, that even after seeing and catching the scent of your horrendous pit stains achieved by a day of heavy lifting in the hot sun, she'll still love you. Congratulations.

But seriously boys, if you keep coming onto a girl, and she's not interested, leave her alone already! She probably thinks you stink; literally.


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